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Master Class EventStorming

Putting business, software & user experience experts on the same page

About this Master Class

EventStorming is a workshop format invented by Alberto Brandolini that enables massive learning on complex business domains and promotes collaboration between different disciplines and across teams

A visually effective problem-solving technique that puts everyone on the same age, EventStorming was greatly defined by Dan North : « In any EventStorming session of all different kinds, everyone knows what everyone else knows ».

 This workshop format comes in different flavours, that can be used in different scenarios:

  • to assess health of an existing line of business and to discover the most effective areas for improvements;
  • to explore the viability of a new startup business model;
  • to envision new services, that maximise positive outcomes to every party involved;
  • to design clean and maintainable Event-Driven software, to support rapidly evolving businesses.

Target Audience

EventStorming is interdisciplinary. The specialistic notation is dropped in favour of an incremental lo-fi approach that allows an inclusive approach while drinving the exploration towards the most sensitive areas. Every participant will actively contribute

What you will learn

In this two-day EventStorming Master Class, you will practice three different flavours (Big Picture, Process Modelling and Software Design) applied to real-world business problems

You will take into account the different perspectives (including the facilitator) in a process that spans large-scale discovery, to leverage collaborative design. 

You will experience the how, and you will discuss the why. 

Je m’inscris

Veuillez choisir la date et le lieu qui vous conviennent :

CHF 1'900,00
- CHF 0
- CHF 0
- CHF 0

CHF 1'900,00