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Principles of Integral Development Coaching

This three-day workshop introduces the principles and methods of integral developmental coaching. It also allows participants to experience coaching first-hand in relation to a professional or personal issue.

Through structured exercises, demonstrations and discussions, participants explore ways to evoke excellence in others.

The course is offered under the banner of New Ventures West, a prestigious and internationally recognized school. It is a prerequisite for the Professional Coach Training (PCT) course, a course designed and delivered by New Ventures West and accredited by the International Coach Federation.


Developing excellence in coaching requires time, study and practice. This workshop will allow you to:

  • To better understand the complexity of your clients’ lives and to see how coaching can support their development.

  • To know and practice the key steps of a coaching process.

  • Identify if a person is open to coaching and how to get them to commit to the coaching relationship.

  • To observe and listen deeply to the other person, paying attention to his or her particular way of expressing himself or herself, to his or her state of mind and to his or her way of interpreting reality.

  • Open up new possibilities for effective action in your personal and professional life.

  • Structure your conversations and develop coaching programs using three basic models: the first three levels of being, the four domains of human experience, the three centers of intelligence.

  • To design practices and exercises of personal reflection adapted to each person.

  • Evaluate your own competence as a coach and identify your next steps for development.


The Premise of Coaching:
  • The results of coaching based on integral development
  • The evolution of the human being and its interpretation structure
  • The developmental aspect of this coaching approach
  • Overview of the sources of inspiration for integral development
Coaching and other types of interventions:
  • The “spontaneous” coaching conversation
  • Openness to coaching
  • The objectives of coaching
The coaching process:
  • The exploratory interview
  • Interpretation and analysis
  • The invitation and the distinction
  • The coaching meeting
  • Experimentation and action
Coach’s tools:
  • Building the relationship
  • Presence and commitment
  • The three basic models
  • Personal reflection exercises and practices
Coach’s skills:
  • The skills and qualities of the coach
  • Elaborate your development plan

Course of action

The course offers you some theoretical frameworks and gives you the opportunity to put them into practice.

After becoming familiar with the premise of this approach and exploring it in relation to other types of interventions, you will quickly have the opportunity to experience the role of coach and client in a spontaneous coaching conversation.

You will then review the coaching process and examine each step of the process.

Presentations, demonstrations, structured exercises and practical models will give you the opportunity to discover how to intervene effectively in the typical situations that coaches, managers and professionals are confronted with on a daily basis.

Throughout the course, you will work on a real personal issue. The entire process will be carried out in an atmosphere that fosters learning, collaboration and openness.

Ce cours de trois jours est conçu à l’intention des personnes qui désirent acquérir des habiletés de coaching afin de compléter et d’enrichir leurs compétences professionnelles tout en continuant à exercer leurs fonctions au sein de leur organisation.

Il s’adresse également aux personnes qui ont une expérience de coaching ou qui ont déjà suivi une formation en coaching auprès d’une autre école et qui souhaitent approfondir et ajouter d’autres dimensions à leur approche.


3 jours

En séminaire résidentiel

The trainers who give this course

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CHF 1,800.00
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CHF 1,800.00

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