Getting your training financed
You are French, and you are wondering how to finance your training?
There are different financing schemes depending on your status: employee, job seeker, professional retraining or self-employed…
Funding by the OPCO: For whom?
Are you an employee?
If your company is up to date with the payment of its training contributions to its OPCO, it can send it a request to cover the cost of your training, particularly if it is part of the company’s skills development plan. We therefore advise you to propose your training project to your employer so that he can help you finance it.
Financing by the Fonds d’Assurance Formation: For whom?
Are you self-employed?
In return for the contribution to professional training (CFP) to which you are subject, you can, under certain conditions, benefit from total or partial financing of your training. This aid is managed by a training insurance fund (FAF) which differs according to the nature of your self-employed activity, i.e. according to your NAF code (or APE code).
For example, a micro-entrepreneur who works in a liberal profession (consulting, training, etc.) is attached to the FAF for liberal professions: the FIF-PL.
The collaborating spouse also benefits if the collaborating spouse PSC has been paid.
Please note that a micro-entrepreneur whose turnover is 0 € over a period of 12 consecutive months cannot benefit from the coverage of his training expenses.
To consult the FAF of which you are a member and to find out about the training courses for which you can receive funding, go to
Individual financing: For whom?
For us, it is important to accompany each of our learners in their training project because, on the one hand, certain financing is only available under certain conditions (financing by Agefiph for disabled workers, or by Pôle Emploi for people with the status of job seekers, for example). On the other hand, it is not always easy to raise the necessary funds. Indeed, we know that the provision of funds by a funder does not always cover the entire cost of training, especially since our training offer is not currently eligible for funding under the Personal Training Account.
This is why we can offer you an adapted rate (as far as possible) according to the situation of each learner, on the remaining expenses, or if there is no possibility to help you finance your training.
Finally, you should know that we are at your side to help you see things more clearly and to accompany you in your approach.