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Professional Agile Leadership Essentials™️

Becoming an agile organization is a profound transformation that requires leaders, managers, and team members to change the way they organize their work, manage that work, and measure the results.

The Professional Agile Leadership Essentials™️ (PAL-E) course provides a foundation for understanding the role leaders play in creating the conditions for a successful Agile transformation. It is designed to help managers and leaders understand how to better support, guide and coach their teams to improve their agile capabilities.

This course includes a free attempt at the Professional Agile Leadership I certification exam (


  • Understand how Agile adds value to the organization and why supporting the creation of an appropriate culture is critical to success.

Introduction to Agile, and linking Agile to what really matters to the success of your organization.

  • Understand how leading with Agile principles and values creates better results and overcomes many organizational challenges.
  • Understand how to create a culture of commitment to continuous improvement and delivery, as well as an accountability model for a modern organization and maintaining Agile.

What you will learn

  • How Agile can help you improve the performance of your organization.
  • How, as a manager or leader, you can help your organization reap the benefits of Agile.
  • How culture and values influence your organization’s abilitý to leverage the benefits of Agile.
  • Practical skills to help guide and coach Agile teams and help them remove obstacles.
  • How to measure the benefits and effects of Agile in your organization.


  • Theory and principles
  • Improve value delivery
  • The value – The “what
  • Culture – The “who
  • Professionalism – The “How To”
  • Scaling
  • Managers et dirigeants qui souhaitent déve- lopper la capacité de leur organisation à saisir les opportunités du marché, les pressions concurrentielles ou les opportunités d’inno- vation.
  • Scrum Masters

2 journées


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CHF 1,990.00
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CHF 1,990.00

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