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High Potential Conversations Program

How can I develop more useful, relevant and meaningful conversations for myself and my organization?

We are in constant conversation with family members, loved ones, colleagues, etc.

However, having difficult and useful conversations in a fluid way is often an issue for many. Even more so in a professional context!

At Pyxis, we are driven by the desire to develop more relevant and meaningful conversations for ourselves and the organization. Our experience in coaching individuals and transforming organizations has led us to identify four major levers that enable a team or individuals to “elevate” their conversations.

Based on personal experience and issues, the intention of the “High Potential Conversations” program is to develop greater comfort in the ability to have difficult conversations based on :

  • tools and practices that can support us in this process.
  • a greater awareness of what is going on internally for us in this kind of situation.

Our approach is radically oriented towards practice, sharing expertise and experience, and allows you to experience a collective learning and coaching process over 5 sessions (spread over several weeks). It allows participants to apply what they have learned on a daily basis: between each session, resources and practices will be offered to participants and will serve as a basis for discussions during the following sessions.


  • Se préparer à apporter plus de valeur dans ses conversations en parcourant plusieurs outils / leviers, comme celui de la Communication NonViolente®.

  • Choisir consciemment sa posture pour clarifier comment je me positionne et je me présente dans la conversation et savoir adapter ma posture à une situation.

  • Identifier de manière consciente les peurs, freins, blocages qui se jouent pour moi face à une conversation afin de les adresser.

  • Sortir d’un fonctionnement automatique et/ou non conscient pour être créateur de sa vie.

  • Se préparer et pratiquer en vue de prochaines discussions.


Session 1

🔎 Identifier et formuler des besoins et des demandes

Short Description

Session 2

💡 Conscientiser son choix de posture et savoir l’adapter.

Session 3

🔓 Savoir identifier son juge intérieur afin de ne plus le subir.

Short Description

Session 4

⚖️ Le modèle des polarités au service d’une plus grande aisance dans les thématiques importantes de notre vie.

Session 5

💬 Comment le coaching peut m’aider dans des conversations à Haut Potentiel ?

Short Description

Toute personne qui a envie de développer plus de conversations utiles, pertinentes et porteuses de sens dans son quotidien personnel et professionnel.


5 demi-journées

En présentiel ou en distanciel

The trainers who give this course

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There are currently no dates scheduled for this training.

Contact us to be kept informed of upcoming availability or to inquire about private training.

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