Embodying new possibles
At Pyxis Suisse, we help individuals and organizations become more agile and efficient, and carefully nurture the development of each individual towards his or her full potential.
We accompany agile transformations through coaching, mentoring, facilitation and training. We are passionate about coaching and are all certified or aspiring coaches.
We believe that it is possible to live new forms of organization that allow the emancipation of each and everyone.
In line with this, we are organized in shared governance, which means that everyone participates in a reflection on the Pyxis of today and tomorrow.
Concretely, we meet every week to discuss either operational topics, substantive topics (e.g. our values, transparency, sense of fairness, distribution of wealth,…) or collaborative topics (e.g. creating a new training together).
Pyxis in the world
Created in 2011, Pyxis Suisse is a member of the Pyxis network, a self-organized network that has been in existence for more than 20 years and works in several French-speaking countries (Canada, France, Belgium, Singapore, Switzerland).

Creation of Pyxis in Montreal
Frustrated by their previous professional experiences, 3 computer engineers, Alain Chaput, François Dénommée and François Beauregard, were driven by the desire to create an organization that would allow people to be freer, lead a sustainable life and have fun by creating quality software that meets the needs of customers.

Discovery and adoption of Agile mindset and framework
Very early in their history, they discovered Agile approaches to software development. Driven by the values and principles that are at the core, they decided to put these approaches into practice and experiment with new ways of doing things.

Flourishing and experimental period
Pyxis’ growth is stable and linear.
Pyxis is a company that experiments with self-organization with little structure and pays little attention to financial management.

Creation of Pyxis in Switzerland
Driven by the idea of bringing the “Pyxis spirit” back to Europe, Gaël Luissier (Swiss expatriate at Pyxis in Montreal), and Christian Lapointe (Quebecer who wanted to live in Europe), met and created Pyxis in Switzerland. To support the initiative, François Beauregard (founder of Pyxis Montreal) financially accompanies the launch of this adventure.

Maturity and creation of an international network
With more maturity, Pyxis is renewing its initial dream of being a self-organized structure. She is working on the emergence of a network of companies around the world.

The Pyxis Suisse team is growing
Pyxis Suisse now counts 6 people who are passionate about agile, personal development and autonomy.
The team formalizes its purpose: To embody new possibilities in order to support the emancipation of each person.

Shared governance
Pyxis Suisse has been experimenting for several years with the principles of shared governance and equal voting rights in decision making.
With the intention that our official documents reflect our way of working as much as possible, we are filing new official statutes to integrate the principle of 1 shareholder = 1 vote, we are reviewing our employment contracts and we are refining our evolving organizational regulations.
Restructuring of the shareholder base
The two shareholders of Pyxis Suisse give their shares to the employees of Pyxis Suisse for a symbolic value. The shareholding then becomes distributed among all members working within Pyxis Suisse.