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Individual and group coaching

No intention of transforming an organization can succeed without the support of the individuals who make it up!

Of course, it is easier to consider that a strong framework, relevant tools or adapted governance are the guarantee of success… However, our experience shows us that a transformation is much more complex than that and cannot be dissociated from human issues.

This is why all the Agile coachs at Pyxis Suisse who accompany transformations are also certified coaches in the development of individuals (or in a process of opening up to develop these skills).

It is this double competence that allows us to accompany transformations in a holistic way, taking into account and taking charge the human aspect.

Our expertise in individual and group coaching

Coaching for managers and executives
Developmental Coaching Program (Comprehensive)
Icône mentoring
Coaching Circles ®

Our beliefs

  • Any transformation will shake up the reference system of the individuals who make it up. Not taking into account and addressing this dimension is violent for the individuals and counterproductive for the organization.

  • The process of transforming an organization can be an incredible opportunity for individual development.

Our experience

  • We have thousands ofhours of individual coaching.

  • We have been coaching teams for 20 years.

  • We teach Integral Development coaching .

Our strengths

  • All of our Agile coachs are also certified personal development coachs or are in a process of developing these skills.

  • We can support all levels of an organization in their transformation process: operational teams, managers, executive committees.


Any questions? Do you need coaching?