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Since its creation, Pyxis Suisse has been a partner of, a reference organization in Agile (founded by Ken Schwaber, co-creator of Scrum).

At Pyxis, we have certified trainers who offer you, in private or public sessions, quality and certifying courses.

A certification for each course

Pass the PSM I certification with the course :

Professional Scrum Master

Applying Professional Scrum

Pass the PSM II certification with the course :

Professional Scrum Master Advanced

Pass the PSPO I certification with the course :

Professional Scrum Product Owner

Pass the PSPO II certification with the course :

Professional Scrum Product Owner – Advanced

Pass the PAL I certification with the course :

Professional Agile Leadership

Pass the PSFS certification with the course :

Professional Scrum Facilitation Skills

How do you get certified?

These courses allow you to improve your role as a Scrum Master, Product Owner, Team or Manager, and prepare you for certification.

At the end of each of these courses, you have the opportunity to take the corresponding certification exam. it is an MCQ format in English in a limited time (60 min)

To validate the exam and obtain certification, a minimum of 85% of correct answers must be obtained.

Our recommendations to maximize your success:

The courses allow you to have all the elements (knowledge, vocabulary, …) to obtain your certification. To maximize your chances of getting your certification on the first try, we recommend:

  • to take the certification quickly after the course, while it is still fresh in your mind,
  • to reread the course slides to re-anchor the theory and vocabulary,
  • redo some open assesments. They are available on the website.

A second chance just for you!

As a partner, we are pleased to be able to offer you two attempts at the certification exam: if you take the exam within 14 days of the course and fail, you will have the opportunity to have a free second attempt.