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20 years of expertise in agile transformation

The expertise and know-how of our coaches is a central element to which we dedicate a lot of time, energy and money. We have chosen to do ONLY Agile and individual coaching. We want to embody excellence in this field that we are passionate about!

Practice, everywhere and all the time!

Our coaches spend almost all of their time coaching teams, managers, leaders and Scrum Masters. This commitment leads them to concretely experiment agile in many areas, and allows them to develop ease, solid expertise and a pragmatic approach.

Agile and personal development coaches

To be able to accompany organizations in a transformation process towards more Agility, being an Agile expert is a prerequisite, but not enough! It is essential that our coaches are also able to understand the human dimension in this evolution. We have therefore chosen to also be certified in personal development (or in a process of opening up to develop these skills).

Constant training

Accompanying individuals and organizations in a transformation is very vast and complex! Also, the continuous training of our team is a central element of our operation. We allocate a significant part of our revenues to the training of Pyxis Suisse members.

Our areas of expertise

About our trainings

Having a good knowledge of the principles and frameworks is a prerequisite for operating in a more agile way! We train your teams in several areas related to agile and in different formats depending on your needs and context.

Agile Coaching

Scrum mastering, implementing Agile frameworks, piloting Agile transformations, mentoring, agility at scale, our core business is Agile coaching! We have been coaching teams and organizations for over 20 years.

Coaching Agile Technique

Technical agile coaching, mentoring, setting up communities of practice... To support your digital transformations and deliver quality software in an agile way, you need to implement continuous integration practices.


Maximizing the value and quality of group time is a challenge for many organizations! We support you through team facilitation (operational and management), specific seminars and workshops, and graphic facilitation.

Individual and group coaching

A transformation cannot be dissociated from human issues and cannot fully succeed without the support of the individuals who make up the transformation! Our skills as personal development coaches allow us to accompany transformations in a holistic way by taking into account the human aspect.

Product Management

Without knowledge in each of these areas, there is a risk of building new products and new features that do not bring value to the user and/or the business. We accompany you step by step in the implementation of a product management. This can be done at different scales and we can work on a […]


companies have trusted us


trained people


training courses offered